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We've been getting amazing feedback from the first 2 products that launched a few months ago - OSTEDROL & ANDAREX.

Conner Eichelberger - Camp Hill, PA

Started using Andarex and Ostedrol on March 9th. I weighed in at 195.4lbs. Coming off of a calorie deficit into a slight surplus to start putting some size back on and strength. One month into the program I'm sitting around 201.2lbs with minimal fat gain. Pumps are insane, even with this at home/quarantine workout program. Definitely continuing for another 2 months.

Billy Baer - York, PA

During my last cutting cycle I used Chisel by Breakthrough Labz because my goal was to get leaner and to try and build some muscle mass during the process. My dosage was 4 tablets per day – 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. This equates to 600mg of Epiandrosterone. It started kicking in very rapidly. I was already noticing incredible results after just a week of using it. Usually, when I'm cutting I'll start losing muscle fullness and hardness quickly, but that certainly wasn't the case this time. Chisel by Breakthrough Labz helped me stay full, strong, and energized throughout my entire cutting cycle. And even more surprisingly, I was able to get stronger and bigger during these 12 weeks. My weight was slowing increasing throughout the cycle yet I was getting leaner and losing fat – especially around my midsection.

After a few months of bulking I decided to undergo another cutting cycle. During this cycle I decided to add Ostedrol™ by United Nutra to Chisel by Breakthrough Labz. My dosage was 2 tablets of Chisel and 1 tablet of Ostedrol™ in the morning followed by 2 tablets of Chisel and 1 tablet of Ostedrol™ in the evening. This equates to 600mg of Epiandrosterone and 60mg of Dehydroandrosterol (3AD™). The addition of Ostedrol™ to Chisel has taken this cycle to another level. Once again, the results were quite rapid. The first benefits of this stack that I've noticed was an increased focus and vasculatory effect during the end of the first week. I honestly felt like I had a better neuromuscular connection during my lifts and had notable increases in my workout "pump". Some of the additional benefits that I've noticed over time have been an increase in muscle mass, significant decrease in fat mass, increased endurance, increased strength, and a decrease in recovery time. It appears that both ingredients work synergistically well with each other and I'd highly recommend this stack to anyone who is looking to maintain/increase lean muscle during a cutting cycle or under a body recomposition.

Devon Roberson - Enola, PA

I love Ostedrol as an addition to my workout arsenal... even with switching up to home workouts, I've still seen a noticeable difference in not only muscle strength and growth, but overall endurance. Best parts, no side effects and stackable with practically any other United Nutra product!

Donovan McDonald - West Chester, PA

Only been taking Ostedrol for about a month now, and am surprised at the amount of progress I can actually see by adding it into my anabolic stack. Even though I'm only able to train about half of the time I normally would under quarantine rules, I have noticed slight gains, whole maintaining a lean, hard look while pushing more calories and workout less than normal. This is a great addition for an advanced user that needs an extra edge or can be ran as a stand alone for a beginner for good results.

Trevor Bower - Harrisburg, PA

I started OSTEDROL the afternoon we received it and planned to run it for a full 12 month cycle. After all of the research on 3AD and lengthy discussions with the chemist that created 3AD, I expected great results. Little did I know that after just the first day, my cardiovascular endurance and the pumps in my workouts would be so great. Everyone I've spoken to about 3AD confirmed increased endurance and awesome pumps too. I've been taking OSTEDROL for almost 8 weeks now and I started ANDAREX at the start of week 5. So I have about 4 more weeks to go on both. I have seen great growth and increased definition in my upper body, all while staying leaner. My close friends and coworkers have seen my transformation both in person and on social media, and have been complimenting me a lot on my progress. I'm very excited for my last few weeks for my final results, but I'm even more excited for everyone else to try it too!